My Interests

Who Am I?
Hello and welcome to my Blog. My interest in doing this Blog is to promote dialogue on ways we can reinvigorate, reimagine and ultimately transform Judaism into a religion that has more meaning, power and relevance in the lives of ordinary Jews. My vision of a transformative Judaism is one where the largely artificial boundaries, distinctions and turf battles embodied by the major streams (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist) either evaporate or become irrelevant. They will be replaced with a new non-denominational brand of Judaism that is more responsive to the personal and spiritual needs of its members. It will do this by emphasizing fundamental Jewish values that infuse new meaning and relevance into Jewish rituals and practice. This new form of Judaism will also be concerned about finding creative ways to attract previously disconnected and disaffected Jews. It will further try to create opportunities for people involved in mixed marriages to understand and experience the beauty of Jewish wisdom.
I welcome your comments and feedback regarding my ideas.
Jim Stein

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